Root Canal Treatment

Monroe, NJ

A root canal is a restorative dental procedure that saves millions of teeth from inflammation and infection each year. Root canal treatment involves removing the damaged pulp and nerves from inside the tooth to eliminate bacteria and prevent the infection from spreading. If you have an infected tooth, root canal treatment may be able to save it.

Root canal treatment is available at Elite Dental of Monroe in Monroe and the surrounding area. This procedure can relieve dental pain and save your tooth. Call us at (732) 446-6533 to learn more about our services or schedule an appointment today.

Understanding Root Canals

Below the enamel and dentin, there is pulp at the center of a tooth. The pulp contains blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue. When the pulp becomes injured or infected, the patient may experience swelling, infection, and pain. Even when outwardly apparent symptoms are not present, bacteria within the root canal may cause decay and damage to the jawbone. In many cases, a root canal may be necessary to save the tooth.

A root canal can remove the infected or inflamed pulp to prevent further issues. Various situations can call for a root canal, such as repeat dental work on the same tooth, cracks or chips, deep cavities, or a tooth injury. Signs that a patient may need root canal treatment include bumps along the gums, darkening gums, severe pain or sensitivity while biting or chewing, and swollen or tender gums. People should be aware that the signs of root canal infection or injury are not always obvious and that a thorough examination may be necessary for diagnosis.

Root Canal Treatment Benefits

The goal of root canal treatment is to save and preserve the natural tooth. One of the biggest benefits of root canals is getting rid of pain and infection in the mouth. Additional benefits include:

Improved appearance: After root canal treatment, the patient will receive a crown or filling that restores their tooth’s aesthetic appearance.

Reduced risk for further decay: Removal of the infected dental pulp prevents the bacteria from spreading and damaging the surrounding teeth.

Restored function: Root canals restore a tooth’s health to function like any other tooth.

Saving the natural tooth: Nothing can replace the look and function of a natural tooth.

The Root Canal Process and Potential Complications

According to Healthline, root canal treatment typically involves four steps. First, we will take an X-ray of the infected tooth and numb the treatment site. Next, we will place a dental dam, or small protective sheet, over the area to protect the spot from saliva and bacteria during the procedure. Then we will make a small incision near the tooth’s crown to expose the infected pulp before removing the infected tissue and cleaning out the pathways. Once the canals are clean, we may apply a topical antibiotic to kill any remaining infection. Once the tooth is filled and sealed, we will place a crown or other restoration to protect the tooth and restore its functionality.